Believable Illusion of Decentralization

Yves La Rose – EOS Nation:


of course not all whales are created equally. they aren’t all malignant. that’s some off the wall bernie sanders shit
but many of them have crazy egos and a drive to consolidate power and decide the path forward
for sure. you’re saying that this chain is controlled by whales and there will not be recourse
am I correct?
yes. eos was designed to be plutocratic, not decentralized by as many debatably important metrics as possible.
so i think there is and will continue to be an issue of meh organic developer activity until the powers that be create an illusion of decentralization.
correction: believable illusion of decentralization
It will be a shocker to everyone when a very large token holder regproduces 40 BP accounts, creates fake websites with fake communities and votes themselves to the top pushing out BPs who work hard to make EOS what it is. Hypothetical situation but possible if we don’t seal the loop hole.
There’s an exodus from fake shitcoins to technologies that work like EOS, it’s just a matter of time before everyone learns that they can skirt rules and get EOS daily for doing well….not much
Luis EOS Mediterranean:

To The EOS Token Holder Community: One Mainnet — Steemit
and if we understand as right the theory of several nodes having stand by bps ready to jump into production when referendum works then wewont be seeing any changes, naybe dpos really works.when a killer dapp concerns about mainnet health as it is their road

The more I read the issues and solutions the more I think it comes down to the incentive to cheat the system and the inability to control it. DPoS heavily incentivizes collusion and I haven’t seen a solution to that. You can make it more difficult, but as long as the ability to make more money by being dishonest is there you’ll have a problem.
I think David Moss covers some of the issues in this video:

Perhaps the solution for the survival of EOS is like he says…moving away from mainnet monoculture and having an ecosystem kind of thinking: sidechains, DACs and sisterchains


What if BPs weren’t allowed to vote for other BPs? That includes any tokens held by an exchange voting for a BP. If you want to vote you need to own your own tokens. It’s not going to solve it, but it may help identify large votes that are in violation. At this point I don’t see any good coming from BPs self policing. Right now it’s very easy for exchanges that are also BPs to say “It’s the token holders doing it”
If token holders feel strongly about it let them hold their own tokens and vote
What I mean is if people are participating in any collusion the last thing they want to hear is a proposal to stop it. So if we take a hypothetical situation where there’s collusion among bad BPs then I see them standing in the way of such a proposal. Also how do you stop collusion all accounts are anonymous. Unless you build a tool that actually tracks one BP voting for another, the proposal might just be ignored like any other. If you build a tool that actually tracks the voting and keeps everyone accountable then no one can stop it
CyberCode Twins:

Orchid * EOSYS * *

Hello, ladies and gents! I’d like to share this good event for you all:) Welcome you all to create accounts if there’s anyone who doesn’t have their EOS account yet!
Steve Floyd –

@eosdallas has just made some MAJOR infrastructure upgrades. @eluzgin has been hard at work and has added a new team member to our technical team (we will be announcing soon).

If you are a proxy and are looking for more information on what we are running these days, please check out this post…

Syed | EOS Cafe Block | :

With the beta release of the EOS Referendum System, we would like to announce full referendum support on

– Filter proposals
– Create proposal
– View all of your proposals
– View all of your votes

Tanish EOSMetal (eosmetaliobp):

We have recently upgraded our infrastructure to serve the community better.

Deployed high performing Intel Xeon W 2125 servers in Tier 4 datacenters, for more details –

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